Welcome to


Where innovation meets automation at the forefront of technology. We are a passionate team of engineers, designers, and visionaries dedicated to shaping the future through the convergence of Robotics, Drones, and AI software.

Get Started

Our mission is simple yet ambitious:

to transform industries and improve lives through cutting-edge technology. We believe that the integration of robotics, drones, and AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, live, and interact with the world.

  • Our robotics experts are at the forefront of developing intelligent machines capable of automating tasks with precision and adaptability.
  • We harness the power of drones to capture aerial intelligence, delivering valuable insights and data for a variety of applications.
  • Our AI engineers develop state-of-the-art algorithms that enable machines to think, learn, and make decisions, making our technology smarter and more capable.

As we look ahead, our vision remains clear: to be the driving force behind the next wave of technological transformation. We envision a future where our intelligent machines work seamlessly alongside humans, enhancing productivity, efficiency, and quality of life.



Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We thrive on pushing technological boundaries and constantly exploring new possibilities.



We believe that the best solutions come from collaboration. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and tailor our technology to their needs.


Ethical AI

We are committed to responsible AI development, ensuring that our technology adheres to ethical principles and promotes a better future for all.



We offer a wide range of cutting-edge services that harness the power of technology to transform your working style and elevate your operations.

Custom Robots

Crafting Dreams, Building Robots: Your Vision, Our Expertise


Elevate Your Perspective: Drones for Every Adventure with the Power of 3D Printer

AI software

AI Software Solutions: Powering Your Future with Intelligence and AI Agents

Want to know more

Contact us to learn more about how Saffron can help you harness the power of robotics, drones, and AI software for your needs.

Contact Us


Here's our gallery of creations

(click on photos for more details)
  • All
  • Robotics
  • Drones
  • AI Software

Robotics 1

Robot hand (gripper)

AI Sowftware 1

Own Chat AI

Robotic 2

Articulated Robot Arm

Drone 1

Fast FPV Drone

Drone 2

FPV Drone



Frequently Asked Questions

We provide a variety of robotic solutions for industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics, including custom-built robots, automation systems, and more.

Yes, we offer comprehensive robot maintenance and support to ensure the longevity and performance of our robotic solutions.

We create custom AI software solutions that encompass natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning, and more, tailored to meet your specific needs.

Yes, we offer consulting services to assist businesses in identifying opportunities for automation and efficiency improvements.

Absolutely. We work closely with our clients to tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs.

Our pricing is determined based on the scope and complexity of your project. We provide personalized quotes after understanding your requirements.

We hope these FAQs have provided clarity on our company and the services we offer. If you have any additional questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to assist you in any way we can.



Connecting innovation to you, reach out and elevate your tech experience

Our Address

22 Gautam Nagar, New Delhi, India

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+91 9212172636

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